Awesome job with the window, the brush you used makes it look sooo good.
Awesome job with the window, the brush you used makes it look sooo good.
I must say, awesome drawing that you've done there.
I have to say, even though there isn't much detail, and a simple drawing, it still stands out very well. I like how well you have used very little colours in the reflection of the water, it makes me feel all retro.
Over all, your drawing is simple, but is still very unique, and very well executed.
Thanks for the inspiration.
thanks for the kind and well written review :)
Wow this is really well made. I like how you've used lots of different shades of blue as the shade on the orange.
Wow, just wow, I don't think this is a little something, wow.
This art is so well done. This is very inspiring for me.
P.S what software do you use to draw this.
Thanks I'm glad it's inspiring you!
I use photoshop
Wow its such a calming drawing it mmaaaakkkees mmmeeeeee wwwaaannnnttt tttooooo faaalllll aaaaasssllleeeeppp............zzzzzzzzzzzz
Is that water colour/color?
Anyways great job
Thanks and I used watercolour pencils😊
Oh my that is one scary monster.
Great detail dude
Thank you!
Goooooooo gooooogle paaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnt
Hi welcome to my page where I post art every few thousand years. Some of my art is digital and some is in my sketch book that that I draw in daily, and yet do not post the drawings for some reason.
Planet Earth, Milky way,
Joined on 12/9/17